Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Tree Hugging Wipes

Another thing I have become a little obsessed with since becoming Mama is keeping things as environmentally friendly in our house and for our little one as possible.  I cannot believe how much waste (in more ways than one!) is produced by a baby!  Diapers, wipes, all the laundry...  WHOA!

We have only just begun our foray into cloth diapering (more on that in an upcoming entry), and since it's had some growing pains I have also looked into other ways to reduce our environmental impact.  One thing I decided to do was to make my own wipes.  

There are a couple different angles when making your own wipes.  Some mamas are more concerned about the chemicals and less about the environmental impact of tossing the wipes.  If that is the case, you can use this recipe with a roll of paper towels.  For me, I wanted to reduce the chemicals & also the waste, so I use these.

Making the wipes is super simple.  You need:

Water (distilled is best, especially if it takes you awhile to work your way through the wipes)
Castille Soap (I use Dr. Bronner's Unscented)
Witch Hazel
Essential Oils (this is completely at your discretion- my little man has really sensitive skin so I don't use it much.  When I do, I like orange and lavender)
Almond Oil

Boil 1 1/34 cup water, set aside to cool.  In a bowl, mix 1 tbl castille soap, 1 tbl witch hazel,  and 1 tbl almond oil.  Mix with cooled water and add any essential oils you want to use.  Pour the mix over your wipes and allow it to soak in.

I store my wipes in an old wipe container, but you can also store in a wipe warmer (this is probably a better bet as they can be cold on baby skin!).  In the mornings I wash my little guy's face and hands before changing his diaper and using the wipe on his diaper area.  It serves a dual purpose to clean his sweet face and also act as a wipe!  I love knowing exactly what's in our wipes and tossing just a little bit less into the trash.

Enjoy :)

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