Wednesday, November 19, 2014

These are a few of my favorite things...

For the last few weeks, I have been on the hunt for two things.  One, Christmas gift, and two, baby gear.  The baby gear search has actually been going on far longer than that, but every time Will hiccups or looks at me funny I either jump on Google or reach out to my experienced Mommy network (i.e. anyone with a kid older than mine) and seek their advice. 

This is part one in a two-part blog series that I wanted to share.  This one will focus on the baby stuff I simply can't live without.  The second will be all the a-mazing holiday gifts I have found that I just have to share.

Onward to the baby stuff...  ( I should note- I don't get kickbacks or compensation for these suggestions.  They're just my faves from my experience!)

Boon Grass Bottle Drying Rack  This adorable bottle drying rack is the best!  When a friend gave it to me while I was pregnant I kind of thought "oh, this is cute, sure..."  but I. LOVE. it.  It sits next to our sink and is so convenient!

Aden & Anais Swaddle Blankets This was another one that we received from a friend, and I thought they were cute, but I had no clue that they were MAGIC blankets.  These blankets are amazing when you have a little one- use them for swaddling, stroller blankets, tummy time, and a burp cloth in a pinch.  My absolute favorite baby gift.

Fisher Price Rock N Play  Again, A-maaaazing thing that was gifted to us by a friend who was moving away.  We use this all the time.  It's so light and portable that we bring it into the dining room for Will to sit in while we eat, and he sleeps in it at night.  I think he loves it so much because it's small and he doesn't startle like he does in a bigger playpen setting.

Boppy Newborn Lounger  We love this!  We use it on the couch, on the floor, when we go to visit family...  a great comfy place for little man to hang out and be part of the action.  It's not for sleeping, and don't leave baby alone!  Another great baby gift.

Trixie Tracker  This isn't a "thing", but rather a website.  If you've had a baby, you know that at the beginning you are a crazy baby tracker.  Our pediatrician had us tracking feedings, but I then realized I didn't know when Will had taken his last nap, wet his last diaper, done tummy time, etc.  This website is super easy to set up and use, and best of all you get a free trial to make sure it's for you!  At the end of two weeks if you don't like it you're not obligated to continue using it.  We love it, and you can share log-in info, so my husband can check in from his office and see what's going on from home.  Fantastic!

Baby Bargains Book  Let's face it.  There is SO. much. stuff. you can buy for baby, and a million and one options.  It's so easy to get lost in the shuffle and completely overwhelmed.  This book is a great resource to look at options and see some matter of fact reviews in one place.  Great resource for first time parents trying to make sense of it all!

Those are just a few of my favorites- what else do you want to know about for baby gear?  Let me know and I will tell you my faves!

Mamaste :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Art & Science of the Breast

In just two months (Happy two month birthday Will!) breastfeeding has been a huge part of my journey as Mama.  I was always kind of weirded out by breastfeeding, and honestly wanted no part of it.  As I started learning how beneficial breast milk was for my unborn baby, I decided to give it a go. 

The decision wasn't entirely mine.  My husband, Jeff, really felt "breast was best" and advocated for it, and when William was born, he started rooting immediately.  From the beginning, he was an eater!  Rooting and sucking incessantly, and eating non stop!

The first few days were crazy.  A tiny baby is suckling at you constantly, but there's little to satisfy them.  It's enough- as nature does through this amazing experience of pregnancy and childbirth, the body provides.  After three days of sucking at what seemed to be nothing, suddenly my (warning, TMI!) boobs exploded.  I went from zero to porno in a few hours.  After that, my spot in Will's heart (and mouth!) was solidified.

While breastfeeding was the natural choice for us, it was not an easy one.  Mere days after he was born, we went to the doctor and after discovering a significant weight loss were advised to supplement.  I felt relieved, but also like a failure.  Why wouldn't my body provide for my son?  It didn't help that I am on several Mommy groups on social media, some very crunchy and if you utter the word formula they seem to think you're the devil. 

I began researching ways I could increase my milk supply.  I contacted a lactation specialist, I took tinctures, I made lactation cookies, ate oatmeal every day, power pumped, drank gallons of water...  while some of these certainly helped (check out this lactation cookie recipe- they are amazing and full of breastfeeding-happy ingredients!, nothing seemed to get me over the hump where my breast could fully provide for my son.  I had online Mamas telling me to ignore my pediatrician and continue to try on my own, and I had my son desperate to eat, crying, rooting, fussing, and I had to make a decision.

Sidebar:  Mamas who judge...  it hurts my heart when we can't support one another.  We are all fighting to do the best we can for our babies.  Support and love- we are all  fighting to be the best mama we can be!

I had to come to a place of "ok" with my breastfeeding experience.  Now, I love the time with my son.  Not always, mind you, but I love to look at his beautiful contented face in the middle of the night when we are snuggled up on the couch feeding.  I feel proud to provide for him at least on some level- seeing what my body can produce to help him grow and thrive.

On the flip side, I still hate giving him formula, and wish I didn't have to.  For whatever reason, though, my body just doesn't provide all he needs.  And I am at ease knowing I give him all I can, and he is a beautiful healthy baby boy, thanks to the boob and a little help from our friend formula.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Me. Want. Mommy Gear!

I haven't had time to dive into my O Magazine, but Favorite Things issue yet, but stumbled across this one while having some quiet time (read: WilliamissleepingforafewminutesWHEW!) and had to share.  Check out all these great gifts for the Mom in your life!

We just ordered our zipadee-zip yesterday.  Can't. WAIT!

Enjoy :)

The World According to (this) Mama

My husband and I had our first child, William, eight weeks ago today.  Since then, our world has been flip-turned upside down in the most amazing way possible.  I remember chatting with my friend Christie, before our sons were born and saying to her "how hard can one little person be?"  My husband tells me all the time now how dumb he thought that question was, and now I know he is so right!

In eight short weeks of life, Will has totally stumped me, made me laugh, made me cry and made me love in a way I can't even articulate.  I decided to start this blog to share some of those experiences.  Since he has been born, I constantly recite two things.  The first is something that one of my VP's at work always says we need to be "nimble & flexible".  It's so true when raising a child.  The second is "it takes a village to raise a child."  I have begun to find my village, many times in complete strangers who you quickly find yourself confiding your deepest darkest (grossest) mommy secrets in.  We share our experiences, our questions, our fears and our sleep secrets, raising our babies one day at a time.

I started this blog because I wanted a place to stockpile and share all of those things.  You will find recipes, thoughts, challenges...  all of the day to day happenings of my life as Mama.  Please keep in mind- these are my experiences and thoughts, I'm not a medical professional or therapist, so I am never offering advice medical or otherwise, just a bit of my two cents.

I hope you enjoy- welcome to the village!

Mamaste :)