Sunday, May 10, 2015

Pure Beauty

Over the last several months, as part of my New Year's Resolutions Evolutions, I have been really been working to make a concerted effort to be mindful of what I am putting on and in my body.  It's safe to say I look and feel better than I have in a long time.

Clean eating is key to a natural glow.  I've been learning to eat by the 80/20 rule.  This means, generally speaking, 80% of what goes in is good, healthy, clean eating.  The other 20%...  indulge away!  The ladies at the Conscious Cleanse have just released a new program based upon this rule and I can't wait to try it. 

In addition to everything going in my mouth, I'm also really focusing on what goes on my skin.  The largest organ in your body, it's often overlooked.  Big mistake!  What we put on our skin is hugely important.

Skincare can be a tricky one.  So many companies claim that they are eco-friendly and free of all the ingredients we shouldn't be using.  However, more often than not this is just really good marketing.  The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is my go-to for all things eco-friendly.  They have a website where you can look up virtually any product and see its toxicity.

After discovering that so many of my go-to products were actually pretty darn toxic, I have been on the hunt for a brand that works well and is also gentle on the earth and my body.  Enter Beautycounter.  I discovered this brand a few months ago and have been wanting to try it since.  I did a bunch of research and finally took the leap.

LOVE. Their products are amazing.  A-mazing.  They are also super low on the EWG scale to boot.  So great and great for me!  I won't use anything else.

Check out this amazing company.  Gregg Renfrew, the founder is incredible and the products are second to none.  You will be so happy you did!

Full disclosure, I am also a Beautycounter consultant, so I have recently started selling the products.  I buy a lot, so I wanted to a) get them at a discounted price and b) share them with everyone I love becuase I think they are so incredible.  With that, if you have questions about any products or want to host a social, give me a shout :).

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